Articles Sunday, December 05 2021
Slander can expose your pride. You could be slandered about anything and then find pride within. If you have ever been slandered, what is the first thing that you want to do? Most often, people want to defend themselves, but then they give the impression that they are guilty to some extent. For instance, “When did you stop stealing from your employer?” Further, asking oneself why one defends the self will boil down to where many find pride. A number of biblical figures were degraded and spoken against when they were innocent. Some learned that they did struggle with pride as Job learned from his questioning of God (Job 42:1–6). Humility knows how to handle slander with patient endurance relying on God, boasting of God, and appealing to God as the witness of one’s character (2 Corinthians 10–13). In Philippians 2, the apostle Paul built on having any exhortation in Christ, any comfort of love, sharing of the Spirit, and any compassion and affection, so he instructed the faithful to fulfill his joy by thinking the same way by having the same love joined in life (2:1–2). Christians can do this by not acting selfishly with conceit and considering others of more value than themselves by not looking out for themselves but for others (2:4). Humility is essential for harmony in the church. The greatest example of humility and selflessness is Jesus Christ. Paul urged the faithful to have the thinking within them that is within Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5). Jesus who was in the form of God humbled Himself and did not regard any hold to equality with God (2:6). Christ emptied Himself taking the form of an indentured servant becoming the likeness of humanity and seen in the appearance of a human (2:7). Christ came humbly and obedient unto death even the death of the cross (2:8). For this, God exalted Him and gave to Him the name over every name so that in the name of Jesus every knee can bow of heaven, on earth, and underneath (2:9–10). For this reason, every language may confess that Jesus Christ is Lord unto the glory of God the Father (2:11). God knows what it is like to be tempted, suffer, and die by His own knowledge, but He further knows because the Word is God, became flesh, and lived among people experiencing what all humanity experiences (Hebrews 2:14–18). Jesus demonstrated how to humble Himself because no one ever humbled oneself as Christ humbled Himself. No one has ever been in such a high position and chose a low position as Jesus did. Furthermore, Jesus suffered the death of the cross reserved for the least of society. Jesus’s humility provided the way that believers can seek the exaltation of God by humbling themselves as a servant. Will you lower yourself to serve others? Are you trying to be a servant like Christ? Are you struggling with pride? Thank God that He helps us and has provided the way through Jesus Christ. |